Yesterday, I left the house when there was a break in the rain. My Mac was at BestBuy to see if it could be repaired and I needed to pick it up. While standing at the counter waiting to be helped, it started pouring again. When leaving, I waited by the door, but it never lets up, so I decided to run for it, with my broken computer in tow. I was completely drenched! However, I hadn’t finished with my errands and still had to get out at the grocery store! Still wet from coming out of BestBuy, I made a run for it into Publix, and I left my grocery list in the car! I did my best to remember what was on it and only forgot something minor. The point of the story is, life must go on, even when it’s a bad day. Though 2020 seems tragic, we must continue to live our lives and do our best to get through it. There will be days that are better than others, but we can’t quit; that’s not an option. Put your seatbelt on; 2020 is not over yet. The ride might get bumpy, and we might get wet running through the rain of terror, but we can’t quit. The plans of God must go on, and he will see us through it.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
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