We are so bombarded with the presence of the enemy during this time of year, and he struts around openly flaunting his presence, but if memory serves me correct, every day belongs to God. When in Tampa, you can’t help but drive by this huge billboard with the picture of a creepy clown, advertising a festival for those who like to be scared. Why do people like to be frightened by those masquerading as ghouls and goblins? The people instilling fear find it powerful, and use it as a tool for mischief. The devil loves this, he doesn’t have to hide in the shadows, or disguise himself as a beacon of light, he can just be himself. The only people who need to fear, are those who are unsaved. The rest of us can go about our day, knowing that our future doesn’t consist of a daily dose of torture, or the sting of melting flesh from the pit. My preference would be to see the works of the Holy Spirit, and even that can be a little frightening, because it’s real, and you realize how close God is to you. The fear of God is healthy fear; get some!
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" Psalms 111:10