It’s always a great day when you find out that a new soul has been brought into this world, and will be marked for the Kingdom of Heaven. You might say “how do you know he will go to heaven?” It will be the only way he knows, because he will be brought up living, and breathing the Lord Jesus. Our family is so pleased to find out that we have another boy being knitted together in his mother’s womb. It was quite exciting to find out his gender; according to the scientific test, the Y chromosome is present, making our new baby a male. Isn’t it incredible how far this new generation has veered from the truth? If the Y chromosome is found, a boy is being formed, if all that is found is X then a girl is being formed. There is not even a question in science about gender. Science proves God’s intention. People may want to live in a fantasy world by pretending to be the opposite of what they are, but they are just lying to themselves. We will continue to believe the truth, and our new baby boy will be taught the truth rather than the lies created by the enemy. God created one man and one woman; there is no mention of anything in between. Know the truth and live by God’s word alone.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27