If you can read your Bible, and fail to notice that the enemy has dominion over this world, then you have been deceived, and may be lacking the Holy Spirit. It seems more evident now that so much of his folly is out in the open for all to see, and yet most are ignorant of it. He is very cunning, and underhanded in his ways. He has convinced a large segment of society that the lie is the truth, and they are doing his bidding. How can we overcome the powers and principalities of this dark world? By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. We have to stand firm in our belief, and not waver in our commitment to Him. Trust that He will get you through this battle, and then hold on tight to the One who loves you the most. We must pray! Stay in constant contact with Him. There is no need for flowery prayers during the heat of battle, just open communication. Cry out, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” The enemy will hiss at you like a mad cat, and run the other direction! There is power in the name of Jesus! He is our Savior, and wants us to call on Him.
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 12:11
so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, Philippians 2:10