You are chosen. Samuel had Jesse bring his sons before him, but the Lord rejected each of them. I’m sure Jesse thought that one of his older sons would be the one, surely it wasn’t the youngest! Samuel had Jesse send for David, who was tending sheep, and as soon as he appeared, he was anointed, and the Holy Spirit rushed upon him from that day forward; then Samuel left! That was it, no further need to hang around or advise him. He didn’t become king that day, he wasn’t ready; however, he had been anointed for service, much like when we accept Jesus as our Savior. Now he had to go through trials, and learn to listen to the Lord, and follow him closely. We don’t think about that when we become a Christian; accepting Jesus is just the beginning, there is much to learn. God sends us through rigorous training, but not like we expect; you don’t even know you are being trained! If you pay attention, you will notice his hand in every aspect of your life. What you learn during that process is to trust him, and to acknowledge that it is he who is taking you through the trials, how you handle it is up to you. Bend so you don’t break; that’s what it means to surrender.
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward. And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah. 1 Samuel 16:13