There is something beautiful about God’s transforming power. Not only does it change you, but it strengthens you because you are no longer relying on your own power, but the power of the Almighty. Having God’s strength behind you may not be what you think it is. He gives us the power to endure with patience, but not only with patience, but joy! Going through a difficult time you wouldn’t consider joy as being a part of that trial, however, there is amazing joy when we see His power in full force. We’ve all had to endure challenges, but when we get to the other side, we see the pieces fall together like a puzzle, each having its own part in making it a perfectly structured picture. Life is messy, but you don’t have to be. Trust God and what He is doing, rely on His strength, because joy comes in the morning.
"being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;"Colossians 1:11