Saturday, March 30, 2024

March 30, 2024

Absolam was a handsome man who was cunning, ambitious, and adored by the people. He probably would have succeeded David as king over all of Israel if he hadn't been so scandalous. Instead, he devised a plan to take the kingdom away from his dad by usurping his authority to judge the people at the entrance to the city. He endeared them by telling them what their itchy ears wanted to hear and thus made friends in every town. David heard of his treachery, packed up his wives and any servants wishing to follow him, and left Jerusalem. God told David that evil would reign in his family for what he did to Uriah, so he gave in to his punishment and fled without a fight. He loved Absolam and never expected or prepared for his treason; David's heart broke. 

As parents, we often assume our children will stand by us, even in times of disagreement, as family is meant to be a steadfast support. However, this is not always the case; our children can sometimes let us down, yet our love for them remains. The enemy, in a cunning move, persuaded Absolam to betray his father and his family. Absolam ultimately paid the price with his life, a story we will delve into in later chapters. No matter how it unfolds, God's plan will always come to fruition. Remember, God's ways are inscrutable, and He will employ any means necessary to execute His plan. Be patient; it will surely manifest.

And David went up by the ascent of mount Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people that was with him covered every man his head, and they went up, weeping as they went up. 2 Samuel 15:30

Friday, March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024

Today, we must solemnly remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. He agonizingly suffered for our transgressions at the hands of sinners like us. Do not take your salvation lightly; appreciate all He did for us on the cross. Some have today off in remembrance of that special day; enjoy it knowing what Jesus did affords us the kind of freedom that only Jesus can give, which is security in eternity with Him. We are so very blessed. 

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. Matthew 27:51-54

Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28, 2024

Here’s a question I didn’t think of from the situation about the violation of Tamar: Why didn’t David do something about it rather than Absolom? Now, Absolom is banished from the kingdom and has Amnon's blood on his hands. If David had served justice and followed the law, this situation mightn’t have happened, and Absolom wouldn't be guilty of a crime. Joab sent a wise woman to introduce a situation to King David similar to the situation between Absolom and Amnon to see if the king would allow him to return home. Still, he figured out that Joab was behind her story. David allowed Absolom to come back, but he wasn’t allowed to see his dad. I guess that David had to keep him at arm’s length so he wouldn’t have to punish him for his crime, which was death. Absolom remained in Jerusalem for two years without ever seeing David. Absolom wanted to see his dad, so he called for Joab to intercede on his behalf, but Joab ignored him. So Absolom set fire to his field, which was next to his, and finally, Joab came to him to question why he did it. Finally, Joab went to the king, and Absolom could see his dad. Absolom bowed himself to the ground before David, and David kissed him. 

We must handle our situations before they get out of hand. This situation is an example of why we must go before God and repent as soon as the guilt of our stain becomes apparent and the impression of the Holy Spirit weighs upon us. Live your life with a clear conscience.

So Joab came to the king, and told him: and when he had called for Absalom, he came to the king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king: and the king kissed Absalom. 2 Samuel 14:33

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March 27, 2024

One of King David's sons, Amnon, fell in love with his half-sister, Tamar, who was Absolom's full biological sister. Amnon was heartsick over her. Jonadab, his cousin and friend, gave him the idea of pretending to be sick, and when David came to see him, he asked him to send Tamar to cook for him and feed him. David allowed it. Tamar did as he asked, but when she went to help him eat, he grabbed her and violated her. In addition, he became disgusted with her and sent her away. She lived in shame for the rest of her life. Of course, Absolom became angry with what Amnon did to his sister but waited until sheep shearing time, two years later, to seek revenge! Imagine that kind of anger boiling over for two years! Absolom asked the king to join the sheep shearing, but he didn't want to go. He allowed all his sons to go with him, including Amnon. That's when Absolom ordered one of his servants to get Amnon drunk and then kill him. He did as he was told, and all the other brothers fled. David got word that all his sons were killed, and he cried out in despair. However, he received more accurate news that it was only Amnon. Absolom fled to Geshur and was there for three years.

Absolom was right! Amnon deserved what he got, but I don't understand why he waited two years. Amnon ruined Tamar's life, and she had to live with what he did to her. 

First, we don't need friends like Jonadab, who encouraged terrible behavior. Jonadab was as guilty as Amnon! Second, we shouldn't act in a way that would displease God and harm others. 

And the soul of king David longed to go forth unto Absalom: for he was comforted concerning Amnon, seeing he was dead. 2 Samuel 13:39

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

March 26, 2024

God sent Nathan, the prophet, to tell David of God's displeasure with what he had done by having Uriah killed and taking his wife for his own. By this time, Bathsheba was late in her pregnancy, and David had yet to repent of what he had done. Nathan told him a parable about a rich man who had taken a poor man's highly favored and only lamb and used it to entertain his guest rather than taking one from his flock. David became angry at the rich man; that's when Nathan told him the rich man was him, comparing Bathsheba to the lamb. Nathan also said to him that the sword would never leave his house and God would permit evil to come against him because of what he had done to Uriah. David immediately repented, crying out that he had sinned against God. Nathan assured him that he would not die for his sin.

David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has put away your sin; you shall not die. 2 Samuel 12:13

David wrote Psalms 51. If you need to repent and don't have the words, use this psalm; it's incredible.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Psalms 51:17

However, Nathan told him the baby would die. David fasted and prayed on his face for seven days, hoping God would hear his prayer and let the baby live. David refused to eat or be comforted,  but the baby died on the seventh day. After he died, he cleaned himself up and ate because he knew he couldn't bring him back to life with his prayers. He comforted Bathsheba and laid with her, and she bore Solomon. And the Lord loved him. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Most of you know the story of David and Bathsheba. David was resting and lounging around while his men went out and fought in a war. He spotted Bathsheba bathing while standing on his roof; he inquired about who she was and found out she was married to Uriah, one of his brave soldiers. Even so, he sent for her and ended up sleeping with her. She sent a message to David saying she was pregnant. David, trying to cover up his sin, called for Uriah and gave him rest from his duty, hoping he would go home and sleep with his wife because he had been at war and they hadn’t been together for a long time. Uriah refused to go home and be comfortable while the other soldiers were still fighting. Since that didn’t work, David sent him to the front line, instructing Joab to pull back so Uriah would be killed. Sadly, Uriah died in that battle. After a short time of mourning, David sent for Bathsheba, and she became his wife. God was not pleased with what David had done. 

We can see from this story that one sin, the lust of the eyes, can lead to more sins: adultery, lying, murder, and probably others. Not only that, but he caused Joab to sin because he pulled the army away from Uriah, causing him to die in battle. Let’s not forget that Bathsheba sinned, too, by not resisting David’s advances. God didn’t stop loving David, but his sins did not go unpunished, as we will see in the next chapter. Learn self-denial, control your thoughts, and do not act on sin because it will inevitably lead to more.

And when the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD. 2 Samuel 11:27

Sunday, March 24, 2024

March 24, 2024

The king of the Ammonites, Nahash, passed away and David had sympathy for the son, Hanun, who was to reign in the place of his dad, so he sent his servants to share his condolences. However, some of the ammonite princes began speaking fear into the ear of the newly appointed king, saying that the men from David were spies. Because of that, the king had half of the servants beards cut off and sliced off the bottom half of their garments and sent them away. To save the servants further embarrassment, David had them stay in Jordan until their beards grew back. When the Ammonites saw that they had become a stench to David, they call on the Syrians for help. David sent Joab with an army of men to war. When Joab saw that they had hired Syria to help them, he divided the army into two sending his brother, Abishai, to go against the Ammonites while he battled the Syrians. They agreed that if one of them got in trouble the other would come to help. It’s smart to prepare for the worst but expect the best. Joab and his men went against the Syrians and they fled only to rally again. David heard about the Syrians and gathered all Israel together and killed 700 chariot drivers and 40000 horsemen. After that the Syrians made peace with Israel and became subject to them. They never helped the Ammonites go against Israel again.

Anyone going against the children of God should beware because Jesus takes the insults and injuries done to them as if they were done to himself and will avenge them accordingly. 

Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him.” 2 Samuel 10:12