There are many things out there that will distract you from pursuing the life that God has for you. At every turn you're faced with challenges; that's just the life of a believer. We must stay the course and fight the good fight as hard as it might be. The result of living a sacrificed life is a blissful eternity with our Savior. I know what you're thinking "but what about now? I'm living this life right now and need to enjoy it now!" The truth is that you can still live a good life here on this earth and serve God. Just like the Israelites while in captivity in Babylon were told to make a home there, we are also to make a home here on this earth. The key is to live a pure life, refraining from sinful desires. You can enjoy life without sinning. As a matter of fact, life is much better when you don't! There are no consequences for doing what's right in the eyes of God and for obeying the law of the land. Living a sacrificed life is a form of worship we should all want to pursue.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1