As a child of God and a teacher of His Word, I must submit to the authority of those He has set over me. I must humble myself and realize that I am just a piece of the puzzle that God is putting together. Each piece has a particular shape but are not alike. As the puzzle comes together, the details of the picture become clearer. What's wonderful is that we are all linked together, perfectly placed, and there are no gaps, and no missing pieces! Do you know your place? This becomes easier when you stop quenching the Spirit and allow Jesus to take over your body as a vessel for His work. If you don't see the work of the Spirit in your life, you must question your salvation. Faith without works is dead. There is great joy in knowing your place; when your part becomes defined, you see God's hand moving you, and eventually placing you into the puzzle where you are linked arm in arm with those He has called you to serve with.
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5