Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20, 2024

At the end of the spring feasts, the returning captives of Babylon separated themselves from strangers and began a fast, repented of their sins and the sins of their fathers. They read the book of the law, confessed their sins, and worshipped God, giving Him glory and thanking him for his mercy. They recounted the times God had delivered them from their oppressors, realizing the only way they survived was because of Him and that their captivity was brought on by their unbelief, worship of idols, and their rebellion against Him. As a sign of gratefulness, they renewed their covenant, and the princes, Levites, and priests signed and sealed it on behalf of the people.

And because of all this we make a sure covenant, and write it; and our princes, Levites, and priests, seal unto it. Nehemiah 9:38

If you haven’t started a journal and begun writing down how God has blessed you, it’s high time you did. Sometimes, our memory fails us, so it’s good to have our blessings in writing so we can refer back to them when we are feeling thankful or when we are feeling down and need a reminder that God is with us and that He is merciful. Our trials are training in obedience; if you recognize that, it will make it more bearable. Write down the trial and how God delivered you; it will memorialize how great our God is. 

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