Monday, December 19, 2022

December 19

My niece gave birth to a handsome baby boy yesterday. She was in a sterile hospital environment with people around her caring for her every need. I’m sure her new baby will be brought up to love Jesus and become his follower as he grows in knowledge. Can you imagine Jesus, our Savior, and King over all the earth, being born in a stable and placed in a feed trough as a cradle? It’s unfathomable. However, it was part of God’s plan to make him relatable to everyone, rich or poor. He may have been born in a stable, but his reception was beyond what any other human on earth has ever seen; an angel and a multitude of heavenly hosts announced his arrival. I’ll bet they lit up the sky with their presence. You know his birth was the talk of the town. The shepherds witnessed the miracle that we still talk about today. They were the instrument God used to spread the word in those days. Little did they know that Jesus would call himself the shepherd and his people the sheep of his pasture. It’s amazing how God orchestrates everything, giving detail to even the most mundane, everyday occurrences. 

If you feel insignificant and unseen, here is a reason to change your mind: Did you know that heaven lights up with rejoicing when a person accepts Jesus as their Savior? Probably the same heavenly host who announced Jesus’s arrival on earth praises God that you turned your life over to him. We are indeed a blessed people.

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

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