Friday, July 9, 2021

July 9

We live relatively close to a train track, not right on it, but close. If the wind is right, you can hear it coming in the distance. It begins with a low rumble, and as it gets closer, you begin to hear the horn as it crosses the side streets warning the oncoming traffic. When it nears, the weight of it causes the ground to shake and the pictures on my walls to rattle.

As Christ-followers, I feel we are beginning to hear him in the distance, like the low rumble of the train. We’re not the only ones who are getting the warning; the powers and principalities of this world are stirring in anticipation. It’s like their last-ditch effort to convince the weak to come over to their side. Now is the time to put some distance between you and the devil; draw closer to Jesus. Think about him, talk to him, turn your heart to him in every way possible. He is the only way you will make it through these trying times. As he gets closer, the ground will shake, the horn will blow, and the unbelievers will run and hide. The rest of us will be waiting for him at the train station!

praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, Ephesians 6:18

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