Thursday, July 8, 2021

July 8

My favorite type of plant is the bromeliad. They are easy to grow, and they give an extra pop of color in a shaded area when other flowering plants don’t do well. There are several drawbacks to growing them; most have razor-sharp edges, and they spread beyond where you plant them; if you are an orderly person, you may find this aggravating. However, the biggest drawback is that they attract mosquitoes! There are several things you can do the remedy these drawbacks. First, you wear long protective gardening gloves that reach to your elbow. Then, for the orderly person, once the new pup begins to grow and the adult dies off, you dig it up and reposition it; sometimes, they produce several new plants that you can share. To combat the mosquito problem, you fill their cups every other day or so to wash the larvae out. 

Our life of following Jesus can be similar. We are the pop of color in the darkness; we are easy to grow and spread beyond our boundaries as we bring others to salvation. That razor-sharp edge is the Sword of the Spirit that we carry, which is the Word of God. Yes, we attract mosquitoes (the flaming darts of the evil one); they try to throw us off, but we fill our cup with the Holy Spirit, and it washes away their pesky larvae.

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, Ephesians 6:16-17

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