A trip to the veterinarian is a yearly event unless our pets are sick. It’s something that I dread, only because one of my dogs gets very ill, and she is tender at the site of the injections. I have them vaccinated because I don’t want them to pick up any diseases from other animals. As a precaution, they have started giving the injection in the leg rather than the neck, because tumors can occur at the injection site, and it saves their life by only having to cut off a leg! Isn’t that interesting? So the injections you are giving my pet causes tumors? What the heck! Why is there a downside to a precautionary measure? Lose a leg or lose a life. We are also given the same kind of option in Jesus. We can lose our life to save it or we can go on living, and die forever. Seems crazy, but not when you’re talking about eternity. We must lay down the life of sin that we once embraced, and begin living a righteous life in Jesus as if we are already eternal beings. We must lay down our life to save it.
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? Mark 8:35-36
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