As humans, we tend to give up if our good intentions are not reciprocated or accepted. For this reason, Paul encourages us to stay the course and not give up on our doing good. There will always be those who don’t appreciate the good things we do for them. However, we are not to stop our efforts, excommunicate them, or count them as enemies but admonish them as brothers. We’ve all had instances where having a good heart has backfired on us. Instead of getting the thanks we deserve, the person we helped accuses us of not loving them or for being the reason they are not thriving rather than being grateful for the help they received. Such a response tends to make us want to give up on being helpful, but the scriptures tell us not to give up on doing good. Just because you helped someone who is ungrateful doesn’t mean the next person will react the same way. Continue to love and do what God has called you to do, and He will handle them if they have a negative response to your help. Leave their reaction in the hands of God; He will give them exactly what they deserve, good or bad.
But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. 2 Thessalonians 3:13
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