The stresses of this world are building, and fear is gripping many. However, we, the elect, can be sure God will look upon us with mercy because of our beloved Savior. Are we witnessing the end of days or an elaborate plan to make it look like the end of days? We can’t be sure, so we prepare as if we are nearing the end by trusting in Jesus to carry us through however it plays out. Remember, Noah built the ark to prepare, and everyone else continued what they were doing until the day his family entered the ark. When that water started coming from the sky, which had never happened before that day, you have to wonder if some began to repent. We will be protected like Noah and his family, who were protected from the water. Many will pass away before any destruction starts, but that’s okay, too, because one way or the other, our Savior will protect us. Prepare like Noah and be ready no matter what happens. Do not worry or fear, but praise the Lord with your every breath and hold tight to Him in every situation. A lot of extraneous information is being disseminated; make sure you measure it by the scriptures. Jesus is our hope for the future, whether here or beside Him in the heavenly realm. Hold tight to what you have, and let no one deceive you.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:38-39
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