One of the things I love about being on the property where Richard grew up is that my kids played here. We lived across the street, and they traipsed all over it as children, and now our grandchildren will have the same experience. I spent yesterday with my youngest grandson, Ethan, and we did a bit of exploring, and he got filthy. Do kids play outside and get dirty anymore? I don't know about the others, but Ethan gets dirty! It's good for them to see how their parents lived and hear stories about the history of their families; it will help them comprehend why they are the way they are.
Much of the Bible is about learning to listen to God so we know the right direction to take in our lives. He tries to teach us to follow his commands, so we don't make the mistake of going down the enemy's path. That's why the Bible includes the details of the lives of the godly and ungodly people so we make good decisions. We need to teach our children the right way to go so they don't repeat our mistakes; more than that, they need to learn to honor God by accepting Jesus as their Savior. Tell your kids and grandkids your story; they need to hear how you've overcome adversity, and now trust in Jesus to get you through. One day they will thank you for it.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
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