I have a birdbath that sits just outside our porch. Occasionally I will see a squirrel stop by, but yesterday a whole pitying of doves gathered around it for a drink. There must have been nine or ten! I felt bad because the water was nearly empty, so I went out to fill it up again, and of course, they flew off. I was hoping they would return after the refill, but they never returned. They will probably come back tomorrow; I put a little feed out there just in case. As long as I keep filling it with fresh water, they will return. There is a whole lot of biblical truth in what I witnessed. In the Bible, a dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit; remember when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove? Water is also significant because Jesus tells us to come to him for a drink of living water and never become thirsty again. Here’s the lesson; go to Jesus daily and overflow with living water. Not only will you stay satiated, but the Holy Spirit will descend upon you like those doves that landed on my birdbath.
“but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
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