I’ve been following a low-carb diet for nearly two years. Before, I had gained more than twenty pounds and was very uncomfortable in my own skin. I lost the weight within the first three months, but because I noticed other benefits, and wanted to keep the weight off, I continued to follow it. You may think this sounds crazy, but lately, I’ve added a few extra carbs, and have noticed that my connection with the Holy Spirit has suffered a bit. I haven’t lost my connection, but my hearing isn’t quite as healthy as it is when I’m entirely sacrificing sugar. I like my close relationship with God, and if I think sugar and carbohydrates are standing in the way, then I must let them go. It is true that your mental clarity improves when you eat a ketogenic diet, but don’t ask Google, or the internet, it will tell you that your brain needs sugar to function; that’s just another lie we choose to believe. Have you come to a point in your walk with God that you will make sacrifices to keep a strong relationship with him? It doesn’t have to be your diet, though I would recommend it, it could be something like your time. It may be inconvenient at first, but eventually, you will find that you love your connection with God more than what you sacrificed. Try it; I guarantee you will be pleased with the outcome.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
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