Twenty three years ago, my relationship with Jesus changed. I had been a Christ follower for a long time, since I was nine, but sometimes the circumstances you are in will draw you closer to Him. My first husband was very sick with a dreadful disease and was drawing close to his death. We had nurses and hospice coming into our home and were very busy. Because of all the stress and uncertainty, I spent a lot of hours in prayer and reading my Bible. There is amazing counsel in the Word, and comfort in the Holy Spirit. There is nothing good about any disease, however, there is good in what it brings you to, if it brings you to Jesus. He was my safe place, my refuge and strength, a very present help in my time of trouble. Let whatever struggle you are dealing with today, bring you to your knees in the presence of the Almighty, and collapse under the weight of His love.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah Psalms 46:1-3
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