The countdown to Thanksgiving begins. Though we should always be thankful to God for all the blessings He has given us, there is something extra special about the season of Thanksgiving. Even though we tend to skip from fall straight into Christmas, I believe we should spend some time in between and give glory to the One who gave us these magnificent seasons. Our biggest blessing is Jesus, and we should honor Him every day for His love, and for snatching us from the fire. We should also go back and look at the memorial stones we have set up as important reminders of answered prayers, where we have seen His hand of blessing in our lives. These memorial stones have become our testament to His mercy and a way to show others that He is real. Thanksgiving is a special holiday set up to honor our amazing God, so take a walk back through your history and begin thanking Him for all He has done.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!" Psalms 100:4
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