I’ve mentioned many times that I love gardening. Because our yard is tree covered, I have planted many varieties of bromeliads. I choose them by the color of their foliage and shape, being that’s what I see most of the time. I can’t explain the joy I feel when they bloom for the first time, it’s like receiving a gift! I get the same feeling when I’ve been diligent in following the path that the Lord has set before me, and I see Him pour out His love upon me. This is what I mean: I got the impression that the enemy wanted to toy with me, God has given me the ability to know when they are near, they are not as sly as they think they are and are quite noisy. So I began to pray every war prayer that I could think of, I prayed Psalms 91, which is my “go to” in times of battle. I prayed out loud so the enemy could hear me, I wanted them to tremble. I reminded the Lord of the promises He made me in that Psalm. And just like planting those bromeliads, my prayers bloomed, and I was given a beautiful gift of a busy, but peaceful day. I made it a point to thank Him and praise Him for protecting me. Remember that Jesus is the ruling authority over everything, and because of Him the darkness runs and hides!
far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, Ephesians 1:21-22
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