We decided to spend some time at the beach for the Memorial holiday, even though it’s wet and soggy, and a tropical storm is traveling through the gulf! On our way over we had to wait for a break in the clouds before we could get in the boat to go over to the island. Once it stopped raining, we quickly loaded everything; we had about a week's worth of groceries just in case we couldn’t get off the island. We made it there, barely getting wet. Then, as we pulled into our slip, the clouds opened up and we got drenched! We were safe and my prayer was answered. Sometimes the things I’m praying are the things He’s saying, or maybe it was my lack of faith! As I was praying, it somehow changed to “as long as we get there safe, a little rain won’t hurt us”, and that’s what happened. God is faithful to protect, however, you may still have to deal with a trial, like the pouring rain that we encountered.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
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