Could you have ever imagined that we would be celebrating the arrival of a King thousands of years later? Here we are rejoicing! I wonder if the shepherds and the others, who came to see Him that night, were some of those who eventually became His followers. When God decides to walk with us in the flesh, you can’t keep that a secret for very long! The King, Creator, and Savior, choosing to experience what His created experiences daily, just to give us a worthy sacrifice to atone for our sin, is incredible! As we celebrate the Savior's birth, remember that He said if we don’t praise Him, the rocks will; which is what is already happening! People are denying that He is the reason we celebrate, but are still celebrating! Only our incredible God could turn what Satan had intended for evil into the good for Him! They can deny all they want, but the truth is the truth!
He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." Luke 19:40
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