Life right now is definitely interesting, that is, if you are keeping up with the issues happening in the world through other forms of news rather than from the mainstream television stations. They only tell you what you want to hear and not the truth. However, if you get your news from Twitter/X as I do, you have to filter it through the discernment of the Holy Spirit because you get more than you want to hear and don’t know the good guys from the bad guys. At least you get good guys mixed in, unlike television, where they are almost all bad.
Getting the good news from preachers and teachers of the gospel is the same. Some teach you what you want to hear rather than tell you the truth about your condition. Yes, we are under grace, but don’t you want to know what grace looks like under your covenant with Jesus? It’s not all roses and butterflies. If you look at the lives of the disciples and how they were martyred, you will realize how foolish we are to think that life under Jesus would be easy. Oh, but it will be, but not while we are traipsing around in the dominion of Satan. Keep open communication with God, praying throughout your entire day so that if something doesn’t seem quite right, you will know to put it on the back burner until you have more information to back up what you are being told. Stay grounded in the Word of God, and He will lead you to all truth.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away theirears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
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