Monday, May 6, 2024

May 6, 2024

Elisha must have passed through Shunem quite often for the Shunemite woman to notice. She asked her husband if they could make accommodations for him so he would have his own space when passing through their town. He agreed, so they made him a room upstairs with a bed, a table, and a chair. Elisha was grateful for their kindness and wanted to do something nice for them. He asked Gehazi, his servant, what he could do for them, and he reminded him that her husband was old and they didn’t have a son. So, Elisha told the woman that at the same time next year, she would have a son. God fulfilled his prophecy, and she had a son.

This woman’s hospitality to Elisha opened the door for a blessing from God. She didn’t ask for it, but being barren in those days was considered a curse. It also shows that we cannot outgive God. She offered kindness to Elisha, and God returned to her a blessing that only God could give. We can count on God to bless us beyond measure, even when we don’t ask. 

And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life. 2 Kings 4:17

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