Don’t you love to eat? I do, but I’ve discovered that not everything is safe. I learned as a teenager that shrimp makes me itch, and lobster will close my airways, but I love the taste of both. I pushed it one time and nearly ended up in the hospital. I had giant welts all over my body and could barely breathe. I’ve also had to eliminate wheat and sugar because they cause me to swell up and get brain fog. Eating them impacts my writing, and I need clarity to hear the Lord! Each of us knows what’s best for our body, but if we don’t, we end up at the doctor to find out what to do to fix our illness.
God has put into place a system to help us stay safe and free from harm mentally and physically, but the only way to know that system is to read the Bible, particularly his commands. He didn’t put those stops in place as a suggestion; he gave them to us to keep us from harm. What you eat can affect your health, but so can sinful behavior. We have a loving Father who has told us not to touch that burner on the stove, but sometimes we don’t listen and touch it anyway and end up hurt and in pain. Read your Bible and talk to the Father; he will guide you in the direction you should go.
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:3-4
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