If my husband is watching television, I will sometimes use my AirPods to listen to videos. Most of the time I only use one of them so I can also hear what’s going on around me. Somehow I misplaced the case with the other AirPod. I searched for two hours, turning the couch up-side-down, pulling out the cushions, then searched the rest of the house, and even the garbage. It was still nowhere to be found. I gave up the search. Later that evening, I noticed something inside my shirt! Low and behold, there it was, right next to my heart! Though the AirPods are nothing special, I still didn’t want to lose them.
If you feel that you’ve lost sight of God, or can no longer hear him, do not worry yourself, he’s still with you. You may search, and search, and may even give up, but he never left you. Don’t be troubled, he’s right there next to your heart.
"teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”" Mat 28:20
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jer 29:13
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