If you are not for Jesus, you are against him. There is only one way to be saved and it’s through him. You cannot drive down the middle of the road; if you don’t stay in your lane you will get hit by oncoming cars. You must be aware that the enemy requires payment from us when we veer off course and turn to the dark side; this is why it’s imperative that we keep moving forward with Jesus without looking back to our past. We once lived a life of sin, but now we’ve found new life in Jesus; the old life is gone and we are a new creation. To keep looking back to our old life as if it was something to be proud of, is like going to the dump, it’s buried under litter and debris, and it stinks. The devil will dangle his ways in front of us like a shiny silver object, to try and take our attention off the truth, don’t fall for it! Trouble is just around the corner for anyone who gives-in to his enticements. Fill your life with the goodness of God; knowing God is the best way to keep from falling in the trap of the enemy. Don’t go a day without communicating with him, when I say communicating, it’s not only praying, but it’s listening, and that means opening up his Word.
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Luke 11:23
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