Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October 30

One of my favorite times to be in the mountains is when it’s raining. Waking up to the sound of pitter-patter, as it filters through the leaves makes it easy to drift back to sleep. Somehow, the sound brings peace, and tranquility. It’s not quiet here, even without the rain, the sounds of the rushing waterfall breaks the silence. God brought to my attention my view from the couch where I can see out two sets of French doors. Through one set, I can see the incline of another mountain, but through the other set I can see down into a valley. I’m not at the peak, but I’m not as low as I can get either. If I were to go out and try to climb to the peak of the next mountain, I would have to descend from where I am, cross a stream of rushing water, then make my way through some treacherous terrain. If I wanted to make my way into the valley, I would follow the water fall down, but would still have quite a rough hike. Our walk as a Christian is similar; to ascend to the heights of the Lord, is a hard path to take, but descending into the valley is just as rough. Did you know that they grow crops in the valley? The ground is very fertile there. Just remember, wherever you are in your walk, is where God intends for you to be. If you are making your ascent, it means that he thinks you are ready for the climb. If you are still in the valley, he’s growing you.

He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalms 23:3-4

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