Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28

I take a bath every night, I can’t sleep with filthy skin, but my dogs are not done for the day and still need to be taken out for a walk. I slide on my flip flops and walk them around the neighborhood right before bedtime; I’m a little selfish because I don’t want them waking me up too early in the morning to go out. Being I’ve already had a bath, I don’t need to take another one, but may need to wash the dust off my feet. Jesus used the symbolic gesture of washing the feet of his disciples as an example for us to follow. If you are saved, baptism is usually the next step as a public profession of your faith, and is symbolic of washing away your sins, and is a ‘one-and-done’ ceremony. The reason it’s a one time thing is we’re clean, however, we still live in the world and will get a little dust on our feet. That dust is sin and we need to repent of that sin, but you don’t need to be baptized again. Confess your sin, and repent daily, because we all get a little dust on our feet, and need Jesus to wash it off.

"Jesus said to him, “The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you.”"  John 13:10

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