Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4

When I moved into my neighborhood, I wanted to know the interworkings of it, so I volunteered for the homeowners association board. I didn’t know that little had been done to maintain the neighborhood for nearly a year. There was a home that was in a mess from a tree branch falling on it and the homeowner was refusing to make the repairs. One homeowner had been complaining about a drainage issue for quite some time and nothing had been done. So I come in feeling like a hurricane trying to get everything accomplished. It’s just spinning in the gulf right now, but it’s getting ready to hit! This situation reminds me of our heart. We can’t leave it in disrepair and expect to look and feel our best. Eventually what is broken on the inside, will start showing on the outside. You can try to fake it until you make it, but that’s only good for a short time. There is One who will deliver you out of your affliction and is a champion for the broken-hearted, Jesus! Go to Him with your trouble. Seek godly Christian counsel and let them pray with you and offer you encouragement. You aren’t in this alone! God has given us brothers and sisters in Christ, so we can lean on one another during times of trouble. Open up and let us help you carry your burdens. 

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalms 34:18-19. This whole chapter is very uplifting. Go and read aloud!

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