Sometimes I get so bothered and distracted by the things going on in my life, that I forget who’s in control. Will this turmoil have any effect on my eternity or the eternity of others? Certainly not on my own eternity and hopefully not on that of others. There are some things that I wish I hadn’t committed to at all and other things I wish I were more committed to. I think about some things too much then there are other things I don’t think about enough. My mind is working overtime and all I want to do is turn it off for a while. How do you decide if what you are doing is a profitable undertaking for the kingdom? Will the light of the Lord shine through me even though it is secular? Most jobs are like this, where you don’t know how it could make a difference other than your bottom line. I guess it all comes back to doing all things for the glory of God. Besides, it’s just a minor blip on the screen of life.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17
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