There is a teaching that I hear often, and it makes so much sense, and it is that we should never do ministry alone. I would stretch that a little further and say that we should never try to traverse Christian life alone. We need other believers to rally behind us and to hold us up when things get tough, and also to rejoice with us through our accomplishments and victories. The Holy Spirit is thick and strong when we link our shields together and have the power of Jesus flowing through us. If you are trying to make it through life and things get hard, find a few believers to stand with you to hold up your arms like Aaron and Hur did for Moses as Israel was fighting Amalek. When Moses dropped his arms, Israel would begin to lose, so Aaron and Hur held up Moses’s arms when he couldn’t do it anymore. I’ve felt this kind of power and know it’s real! The power of hell will not prevail!
Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses' hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the sword. Exodus 17:11-13
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