I have a trusted friend who, when things get rocky, is by my side praying and encouraging me. There are things that we only tell one another, mostly because no one else would believe us. Sometimes when we are making a big decision, that will change everything, the enemy will viciously attack. So, I told my friend “The attacks have weakened me to the point of giving up. I’m waiting on an answer from God.” Before I hit send, I get this message from another friend captioned: “Wanted to share this revelation God gave me today.” What! Are you kidding me? I gave up striving and He sent me an immediate answer! Not only that, but the content of His answer was in the same format, through another human, that I hear His message daily. God saw the urgency in my heart to hear from Him and sent that message right on time! I must now move forward with the plan He gave me!
The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." The LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Exodus 14:14-15
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